HowTo Runtipi Traefik and LetsEncrypt Integration


I recently came across the Runtipi project, and it looks quite interesting. Currently, I am running Docker containers on a VM and managing all my configurations with an external proxy outside of Docker. From what I understand about Runtipi, Traefik is integrated with the project, along with Let’s Encrypt, to expose links on the internet with a valid Let’s Encrypt certificate. However, after reviewing the documentation, I couldn’t find any detailed explanation about this integration. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could provide documentation or clarification on this topic. I hope I’ve conveyed my understanding of the project clearly.
by the way currently i use Duck-DNS and NginX-Proxy-Manager in my existing solution. If I can make it work i will move all the contaiers to runtipi.


Hello, runtipi supports both the HTTP challenge (meaning that you expose your apps publicly) and the DNS challenge (meaning that everything stays inside your home network). From your setup it seems like you used the DNS challenge and you can find a guide for setting it up with runtipi here (it doesn’t need to be cloudflare we just used it for an example). If you want to use the HTTP challenge the guide is available here.

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This link talks about creating custom config file

I already created user-config/tipi-compose.yml* can i use the same file in updating the duckdns_token?

Yes you can use the same file to configure multiple aspects of your main compose